How my spirit feels about Christmas.
I was born in Monrovia Liberia in the mid eighties when the pieces of Liberia had not yet falling apart.
Our sweet land of Liberty gave me the foundation of the true spirit of Christmas in my formative years.
Christmas was about family. Biological family, adoptive family, friends turned family, neighbors turned family, family of friends, and the list goes on.
Christmas gave us a sense of community.
As an African child, “Santa” was never at the forefront of my anticipation for Christmas. Being together again with all my cousins especially the ones I had not seen all year coming from abroad heightened my excitement. I couldn’t wait to see what gifts they had gotten me or how much they would love my gifts. We would unwrap and play “hide and seek” or “hop scotch” eat lots of candy or just count each other’s “hair slide” to see who was more decorated.
On Christmas Day, everyone seemed happy and loving. Adults gave many kisses. Lots of dancing and Laughter. It was as if the world stood still on that day to exchange love and happiness.
It was my favorite time of the year.
As a young Christian woman, that foundation of “the spirit of Christmas” has never left me. However, understanding the true significance of Christmas has given my spirit more depth to the importance of this day.
“ for unto us a son is born”
“And the government shall be upon His shoulder”
“ and His name shall be called wonderful, councilor, the mighty God, the everlasting Father, the Prince of peace”
So when asked what Christmas means to me.
My spirit smiles. Love, Christmas means Love. It is the day God so loved the World that He gave (gifted) His only son that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have everlasting life.
So In all your celebration and cheer, do not forget the true meaning of Christmas.