Monrovia – Liberia’s historic Providence Baptist Church today, February 10 begins its bicentennial celebration with a new vision set on transforming lives and renewing communities “intentionally and radically.”
At a press conference on Tuesday, the Senior Pastor of the Church, the Rev. Dr. Samuel B. Reeves, Jr. also called on Liberians at home and abroad to unite and a build a prosperous nation guided by God.
“Our greatest faith is that Liberia shall rise to its ideals because it is our strong belief that as the Church rises, Liberia will grow and flow,” Dr, Reeves said in a prepared statement.
He continued: Since 1821, Providence has stood the test of time to spread the gospel of Jesus Christ, and our current vision is to transform lives and renewed communities intentionally and radically, still lifting Jesus up in all that we do.”
Dr. Reeves is also the president of the Liberia Baptist Missionary and Educational Convention (LBMEC).
The Bicentennial celebration is being held under the theme, “Bridge to Providence!”
The Providence Baptist Church, known as the cornerstone of the nation played a pivotal role in the formation of Liberia. It was in the Church that the historic Declaration of Independence was signed.
Throughout Liberia’s history, and in living out this vision, Dr. Reeves noted that the church has become and pray to remain the conscience of the nation, adding “we have met the spiritual and physical needs of the vulnerable across Liberia. We have promoted love, joy, holiness, and neighborliness and we have held that Christian faith keeps a nation on the straight and narrow road.”
He furthered that “It is a rich heritage that is reflected in our oral and written history. That’s why from Providence Hill, we have always prayed for the success of the Liberia, the health of democracy, and the wellbeing of our leaders and people. History tells us that it was on this Hill that Liberia emerged strong, rich and free.”
Outlining events marking the commemoration of the Church’s 200th anniversary, the Senior Pastor of the Church said the celebration will be carried out in four quarters with the first running from February 14, 2021 to March 28, 2021 in both Ministry and Leadership in order to remind Liberians that it was through Providence Baptist Church that the nation Liberia was birthed.
Beginning Sunday, February 14, 2021, Dr. Reeves revealed that a divine worship service will be held to give God the Glory for 200 years of Leadership and Ministry; and this will be followed by a youth lead spoken word event on February 19, held under the theme “Bridge of Love. The next day, February 20 begins with a “grand parade to be followed by a fun day jamboree, featuring good food, games for everyone, and excellent exhibitors in partnership with made in Liberia.”
In concluding the first quarter celebration, the Senior Pastor of the Providence Baptist Church further disclosed that a historical symposium will be held on March 20. The quarter, he added will be climaxed with a National Thanksgiving Service involving the three branches of Government on March 28, 2021 at the Church’s edifice on Providence Hill on Broad and Ashmun Streets in Central Monrovia where President George Weah is expected to deliver a special remark.
According to him, President Weah has been very instrumental in support of this celebration as evidence of his pledge to attend the event when he graced the launch of the bicentennial celebration in 2020.
At that event, the President said, “The history of Liberia cannot be told without also recounting the numerous contributions of the country’s first Church- the Providence Baptist Church,” adding that the “Church was an embodiment of the history of our great country.”
Meanwhile, he was flanked by the Chairperson of the Anniversary Committee Mother Eva Mae Mappy Morgan and Co-chair, Madam Laura Prutchard. They, in separate remarks stressed the importance of the celebration and called on Liberians at home and abroad to join the events.